Product photography for makers, designers and online shops

Eye catching and distinctive product and food images.

Product And Food Shoots

High quality, professional product images will help you attract more customers.

Having compelling product imagery will free up your time to concentrate on your business.  

Send And Shoot

It can be difficult (and massively time-consuming) to take beautiful flat-lays and product shots by yourself, especially without the right camera, lighting or equipment.

That’s where my Send & Shoot service comes in. It’s an easy way to get the scroll-stopping images you need for your online brand. Without the hassle and stress.

Red beads jewelry
meat salad
slicing meat
cookies, bread and wine on table

Trust The Process

Ever wondered what happens before, during & after a product photo shoot? I have a trusty process that never fails. 


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Zoom Coffee Date

Before the photoshoot we will catch up over zoom to discuss your requirements and get clear on the images that will work really hard for your business.


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Mood Board Creation

We’ll cover all the details so that we know exactly what kind of look you are after and make sure we are on the right track to get the mages you want.


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Props and Backgrounds

We will discuss any props or backgrounds that will help your products really stand out and be shown off in their best light.  I can help source the relevant props and backgrounds where necessary.


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Package and Send

Package up your products and props and courier them to me. 


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Shoot and Edit

Photography, styling and editing are all included so you can sit back and relax! (or you know, do one of the other hundred tasks you have to do as a small business).


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You will be invited to download your images from my online gallery, and I will arrange to get your products back to you.


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Need Inspiration?

Take a look through some of my product shoots for inspiration.
All of these shoots followed my trusted process.

The Product And Food Blog