Commercial Portraits – Manchester

I recently had the pleasure of shooting some commercial portraits for a nutritional therapist Debbie Gallimore.  Debs needed some images for her website and social media presence.

Before the shoot we exchanged a few ideas on the style and look that she was after, and we decided to do the shoot in her kitchen – makes perfect sense right??  We had a fun morning drinking tea, chatting and taking photos!

Check out her website at


If you need any images for your business, get in touch and lets see what we can do?

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Manchester based Portrait Photographer

1 thought on “Commercial Portraits – Manchester”

  1. I am thinking about having some shots taken for a project I am embarking on, and I know Beth Creedon rates you highly!
    Ive written a book and want to use this to communicate with a wider audience about issues of childhood sexual abuse, but in an empowering creative and inspirational way.
    Im looking to publish, run workshops, speak at events and gain some media support.
    I wonder if you think you could capture something that would help communicate this message?
    Best Wishes,

    nb. above is the link to my audio/visual blog

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